• Let's speak french - book 1 - Dio Kimber - EDILIVRE

Let's speak french - book 1

Let's Speak French - Book 1 is a book on French grammar written in English with examples in French for better understanding. It is written to introduce learners to the French language. It aims at encouraging learners from English speaking countries - Anglophones - to learn French in an easier way, especially those who do not have the rudiments of French language. The book covers some basic grammar topics such as: the French alphabet, gender of nouns, determiners, linguistics, basic knowledge, common French expressions, conversation, numbers, prepositions of place, negation, asking questions and plural forms of nouns among others. A good reading and completion of this book will offer learners the ability of applying those basic French grammar rules when writing or speaking in French. They will also be able to communicate effectively and engage in everyday conversations in French.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9782414411207
Date de parution 02/04/2020
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